ACOUSTICS 2019 High Tatras. October 16-18, 2019 | Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
ACOUSTICS 2019 High Tatras. October 16-18, 2019 | Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
The main aim of the International Conference „ACOUSTICS 2019 High Tatras“ is to exchange theoretical and practical knowledge from various fields of acoustics focusing mainly on the properties of special wood products, building materials and the current issues connected with noise and vibrations and their impact on humans as well as on the environment. Participants will get information concerning the current state of the art in the field in question and information about proposed or implemented solutions to problems emerging from practice in above mentioned fields. As the participants are university teachers, scientists and representatives of practice obtained knowledge will be implemented into the teaching process and will find its application while solving research problems, or will be used in the practice. International aspect of the conference is a good presumption for establishing a closer cooperation in science and research.
Organization: Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Slovakia | Faculty of Architecture & Laboratory of Acoustics KU Leuven, Belgium | Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dep. of Architecture, STU Bratislava, Slovakia | Slovak Acoustical Society (SKAS), člen Zväzu slovenských vedeckotechnických spoločností | Slovak Physical Society | Department of Fire Protection | Department of Wooden Constructions | Sub-department of Physical and Musical Acoustics
Topics: Acoustic comfort | Acoustic properties of wood | Acoustics in education | Acoustics of musical instruments | Environmental acoustics and Soundscapes | Noise and health | Musical acoustics Room and building | Sound perception and psychoacoustics | Architecture and urban planning | Historical monuments and heritage preservation | Indoor and outdoor environmental quality: Air, thermal, acoustical, visual | Kinetic architecture | Smart cities, green buildings, low energy houses | Aerodynamics and wind comfort | Driven rain | Building physics | Building materials | Energy performance of buildings | Low energy timber frame structures | Smart building façade techniques | Fire protection | Forensic engineering